The Recipe

Crab Benedict That Comes Out Warm

  • English Muffins (I prefer sourdough)

  • Dungeness Crab Meat (as much as you want, you can put on way more than a restaurant would give you)

  • Eggs (one per english muffin half)

  • Hollandaise Sauce (I use Kenji’s recipe)

  • 1 Tbsp Salted Butter

  • Parsley (minced and whole) for garnish

First poach your eggs. There’s a million ways to do this, I like to just crack them into ramekens, heat up my water, then pour the rameken egg into my large silicon slotted spoon until its cooked enough to take the spoon out. Cook for 3-4 minutes, then transfer to a plate. Important: keep the water at cooking temperature, as you’re going to warm the eggs up again at the end. You can take a break here if you need to set other stuff up. You can mince the parsley here as well for your garnish.

Look up that recipe for hollandaise and get everything ready to go. I put the eggs and lemon juice and water in a pyrex, then get a small pot ready with the butter in it for melting.

Next, start toasting your english muffins. These will keep warm for a while, so just get this step done now. Put them on a plate. Don’t bother buttering them, as you’re going to cover it with buttered crab.

Next, warm up that crab meat. First squeeze it out to get some liquid out, then melt the butter in a saucepan, and pour the crab in there. Stir it around until its warm and coated in butter. Leave it in the pan, or if you’re quick with the next few steps, put it on the english muffins.

Drop the eggs back in the water to start warming, then make your hollandaise sauce.

Put the crab on the english muffins if you haven’t done so yet.

After about a minute in the water, remove the eggs from the water and place one on each english muffin half.

Pour over your hollandaise sauce, and garnish with parsley

Hurry up and get to the table before it gets cold.


The Bullshit

This is one I wasn’t really going to post originally, since I just use everyone else’s recipes for it, but after trying it a few times, I had trouble getting it to be warm when I served it. After searching a few times for how to keep everything warm, I just figured the steps out here. Used a lot of eggs and butter. This is way easier than it sounds, and the flavor is super good. You’ll look pretty bad ass when you pull this one off.