The Recipe

Leftover Porkchop Bone Pork Stock

  • A few lbs of porkchop bones

    • Every time you eat porkchops, buy them bone in, and then save the bones in the freezer. I used about 10 bones.

  • 8 quart stock pot (or as big of a pot as you can)

  • 1 yellow onion, quartered

  • 2 stalks celery, quartered

  • 2 large carrots, quartered

  • 4 cloves garlic, peeled and left whole

  • A big pinch (or handful) of salt (depending on how you like your stock)

Combine all ingredients in your stock pot (or big regular pot) and fill up with water until its about an inch or two from the top.

Bring water to a boil over high heat.

After boiling, reduce heat to medium/medium-low until its slightly simmering.

Simmer for about 8 hours, stirring every hour. Towards the end (last hour or two) add the salt. Use your best judgement.

Strain liquid into 2-4 cup containers (this recipe got me about 5-6 cups stock at the end, but will vary depending on how much water you put in, try to keep close to this ratio), refrigerate, then freeze what you don’t need within the next day or two.


The Bullshit

I’ve made a pork roast a few times lately, and have been getting into gravy, so I wanted to take all that to the next level and make my own gravy totally from scratch by making my own pork stock. Turns out it’s really easy. Just put all of the stuff in a pot for most of a day, make the house smell pork stock-y, and then pour it into some containers.

I put everything into 2 cup portions, which should make enough gravy for our family of 4 (two small kids). Mileage may vary.

If you want to make gravy with this, just take your drippings from your pork of choice, heat that up, throw in some butter and flour, stir it for a bit, then add this pork stock. It’s gonna be like jello when you take it out though just warning you. After a bit you have gravy. Look at that, you get another recipe for reading this.