The Recipe

Quail Egg and Lox Breakfast Bites

  • 3 quail eggs

  • 1-2 slices salmon lox

  • 1 avocado, mashed

  • 3 slices baguette

  • chilves

  • coarse salt

Slice baguette into bite sized pieces, on a diagonal

Mash the avocado

Break up salmon lox into same size pieces as the baguettes

Thinly slice chives

Fry quail eggs until the whites just solidify (just crack them in the pan and wait)

Lightly toast your bread, and top with, in order:

  1. mashed avocado

  2. lox

  3. quail egg

  4. chives

  5. salt

The Bullshit

Friend of ours gave us quail eggs, straight from the farm they were at, and iā€™d never cooked with them before, so i decided to make the most basic bitch breakfast of avocado toast.

I then decided to add salmon lox and not even call this avocado toast in some subconscious way of saving face.

Then here I am explanining it.

This is really good though. Really easy. Makes you look fancy for not much effort, which is my wheelhouse lately.