The Recipe

Decadent and Spicy Grilled Cheese

  • Some nice bread (I used a brioche loaf)

  • White Cheddar, grated

  • Gruyere, grated

  • Pancetta

  • Jalapenos

  • Butter

  • Chili Oil or Chili Paste

Dice up your pancetta and cook, leaving the grease in the pan. Slice your jalapenos and cook those in the grease. Set aside.

Grate your cheeses.

Butter your bread (both sides if you want even), and spread chili oil on whatever side you decide is the inside side.

Add cheese, pancetta, jalapeno, other cheese, and grill.


The Bullshit

Yep it’s a grilled cheese sandwich. Nothing mindblowing but I really like this combination of flavors. I’ve been throwing white cheddar and chili oil on anything i can, and it always comes out good.

This is heavy though, so serve it with a salad.

Also, if you like videos and instagram, check out my instagram for a video of this thing.