The Recipe

Herbed Sausage Gravy

  • 1/2 lb bulk breafkast sausage

  • 1-2 sprigs rosemary

  • 3-4 sprigs thyme

  • 4-5 leaves sage

  • 1 clove garlic

  • 1 1/2 cup half and half (or half milk and half heavy cream if you dont keep half and half)

  • flour to thickness preference

  • salt and pepper to taste

Chop your herbs, mince your garlic

Brown your sausage in a pan, then add the herbs and garlic, simmer for about 30 seconds

Coat everything in flour and stir.

Add half and half (or your milk/heavy cream combo, or dairy mixture of choice) and simmer until thickened to desired consistency, stirring often.

Serve on whatever you like to put gravy on.

The Bullshit

Biscuits and Gravy is probably my favorite breakfast of all time, and while my biscuit recipe is shamelessly stolen from elsewhere, the gravy is my doing, so I can share it here.

Before making this I really didn’t know how easy gravy was to make, you can pretty much wing it with the above ingredients (or add your own, and post it on your own page, look at you, you’re the gravy maker now) and it’ll come out great.

Just make sure it’s thick.