The Recipe

Roasted Jalapeno and Habanero Cheeseburger

The Spread

  • 2 Jalapenos

  • 1 Habanero

  • 1 tbsp Olive Oil

  • Big pinch of Salt

Roast your peppers (Grill, oven, air fryer, a fire, whatever floats your boat). I always cover them in olive oil and salt and grill them, or put them in my convection oven and flip them every 5 mins or so until wilted. Leave the skin on. Mince.

Combine in a bowl with the olive oil and even more salt and stir until you have a nice spread going. This should give you about 2 burgers worth.

The Burger

Form your patties, and season generously with seasoning. Make them thin and get them ready to cook becuase they will cook quickly. You’ll do them last, so i’m telling you this first to make sure you’re ready.

Toast your buns, or I like to get a pan going on medium, coat the pan with olive oil spray (or olive oil, or butter, whatever) and grill the bottoms of the buns on the pan. Do this first, they’ll keep. Put them on the plate.

Dress your buns like so:

  • Top bun spread mayo (seriously make the homemade mayo from the link), mustard, ketchup, and pepper spread from above

  • Bottom bun spread mayo, mustard, ketchup, bacon, lettuce

Once buns are ready, either grill or sear patties on cast iron and put one slice of american cheese on each patty.

Put patties on buns. Eat.

The Bullshit

This is exactly what I’m looking for in my burger. Spicy, cheesy, thin patties, grilled bun. This will probably get improved upon gradually as I go, but this is my burger. If I had a food truck or restaurant or whatever, this is what I’d give you. If you want this burger hit me up and I’ll give you this burger.

It’s better on the cast iron than the grill.